Tag Archive: creepy forest

Forest walk (with photos)


Today we (my wife, eldest son and myself) went for a very pleasant walk through the forest at the top of the hill behind the house. The journey took several hours and was quite hard going due to the steep climb on an unused forester’s trail, but the forest looked stunning with flowers growing everywhere. […]

Cute but creepy eye Trailcam IR


Sometimes I get footage on my trailcam that I just can’t easily identify. On this occasion, I can definitely say it’s an eye – but to which creature does it belong? Due to its location it won’t be anything domesticated, and it’s definitely a predator of some description. The game camera was fastened to a […]

Secret Druid or Forest Spirit Symbols


The druids used to leave messages to one another in a complicated leaf language using real leaves. As this language was never written down, modern man has no idea what it was. Also, passersby who were unversed in this leaf script would just see a pile of leaves rather than what they stood for. It […]

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