Archive: May 2016

Seriously, don’t fence me in…

I can’t explain how much I love being able to wander freely out here – through meadows and forests. From my atelier’s French doors I look across a huge field leading up the side of a hill to a forest I love to spend time in. All I have to do is get dressed, grab […]

Forest walk (with photos)


Today we (my wife, eldest son and myself) went for a very pleasant walk through the forest at the top of the hill behind the house. The journey took several hours and was quite hard going due to the steep climb on an unused forester’s trail, but the forest looked stunning with flowers growing everywhere. […]

Trail cam animals – boar, wild cat, marten

wild boar infrared

This is the weekly round up for the beginning of May. This morning the sun was shining so I hopped on my motorbike, Feisty, and set off for my village house. Once there, I donned my bush garb and traipsed across the now overgrown meadow to go check on my trailcam – I had a […]

I almost rode with the Russian Night Wolves motorcycle club…

Today has been a very, very long day. I’ve been looking forward to today ever since I heard that the infamous Russian motorbike club, the Night Wolves, would be coming to Svidnik to lay flowers and wreaths at the Soviet WW2 Memorial – and that local bikers could ride with them into town. The best […]

First photo with new camera – Canon SX412HS

svidnik skanzen

This is the first photo from my new camera – a Canon SX412HS. It’s a photograph of the UNESCO-protected wooden church in Svidnik skanzen, Northeast Slovakia. I took the photo from my office window, approximately 1 kilometre (perhaps a little more) away. The photo required a lot of filtering due to it being quite bleached. […]

Marsh Tit or Willow Tit?


This weekend seems to have revolved around hard-to-differentiate bird species. While out setting my game camera in a creek bed, I had this little Marsh Tit (Poecile palustris)/Willow Tit (Poecile montanus) keep me company. I personally think it was a Marsh Tit.

Montagu’s or Hen Harrier?


I was stunned to see this harrier flying around while out walking behind the house. I’ve never seen one here before. I’m unsure whether it’s a Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) or a Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) as it has identifying marks which associate (and refute) it with both. The black above-wing line makes me lean […]

Wild boar sow and piglets


Terrible photo as she’s about 1 kilometre away, at dusk and taken with my damaged-lens Canon SX700HS on full zoom (hopefully a new camera will come this week). Initially we spotted her as a large black lump crossing a field while going on our usual daily walk. It’s the first boar I’ve seen this year, […]

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