Today I went to check on the house and got to drive through some pretty thick snow. Vlochka, my Discovery, really has her use sometimes. On the way home I spotted a Ural owl just sitting on a branch about twenty feet from the road. For once, the sky was vaguely blue and the bright […]
Archive: Feb 2018

This issue features one of my true horror stories from the forest – White Out – plus my photo of wolf tracks in the snow is on the cover. Order yourself a copy or sign up for a subscription here – The Bushcraft Magazine. Bushcraft Magazine is suited for both beginners and experts and covers […]

The view of the town of Svidnik from my office, although more snow has fallen again since then. This Winter is really dragging on. Freezing temperatures, permanent grey sky. Happy happy joy joy…. I’m supposed to be writing an article for the Spring issue of Bushcraft Magazine but there’s no sign whatsoever of Spring. Then […]

Here are some real old school biker tunes for y’all to get down to. I’m talking about the days before Easy Rider, Steppenwolf, The Byrds, and the eventual Heavy Metal influence (which we all know and love). Real Old School. The original Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots was written by The Cheers in 1955 […]

I really thought we’d get away with a mild winter this year and thus didn’t bother switching off my water. After seeing this week’s forecast, with temperatures dropping below minus 20, we headed out to the house to switch everything off and drain the pipes. It never saves everything – there’s always the odd tap […]