I’ve just completed two paintings that I’ve been wanting to try my hand at for a very long time – hide art. The paintings are done in acrylic on wild boar hide strung onto ash wood frames. The process of fetching the wood from the forest, carrying it home, debarking it, drying it, painting the […]
Archive: Feb 2017

Ok, so I was wrong about it being the end of Winter. The temperature does climb a little above zero during the day (3 degrees centigrade feels tropical) but then it plummets to minus 10 at night, which means that everything that’s melt becomes ice. Walking is a nightmare as the ground, pavement and roads […]

Months of snow and ice and now the melt begins. Temperatures are finally hovering above zero, which means endless slush and dense, dense fog akin to the pea soupers of Victorian London. Creepy but cool. Already, thoughts have turned to the tasks awaiting in Spring, and this year will be scary as we’re unsure what […]