How to live my own life



One of the hardest things to do in life is to be your own self. From birth we are massively affected by our surroundings, our families, our education, our socio-economic situation. Everyone has dreams of who or what they want to be and how they want to live. Part of what causes unhappiness in life is wanting to be in a different situation and not liking who, what, or where you are now.

One of the greatest secrets never told is that every person is born free and each has the right to choose and make their own destiny. The world, in many ways, is like a blank canvas, and it is up to the individual how they want to interact with it. Shakespeare famously wrote

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” (As you like it, Act 2 Scene V).

We are. Just because you are one thing today, doesn’t mean you have to be the same thing tomorrow.

Just as every life has its beginning and end, each day does too. Every morning when you wake up, you have the possibility to start life afresh. If you find yourself waking up and hating your life and hating your job and wishing you lived somewhere and with someone else, then go do it (or, at least, start planning to). It’s your life and, ultimately, it’s you who decides how you should live it.

Imagine that you are lying on your death bed thinking back over your life. Will you be ready to go out with a grin on your face and your head filled with great memories? Or will you be filled with regret for not having done what you wanted to do? I know religions have different opinions on this but let’s just say you only have one life to lead, at least on this Earth. If you’re not happy with your situation then do everything in your power to make it so you are happy. It’s your life.

However, thanks to the modern world and all the technology it’s given us, we can actually delude ourselves into thinking we want something when in reality we don’t. We may think our lives would be a thousand times better if we had a certain bar of soap because the TV advert shows us that it would be like living in a millionaire’s bath tub, but it’s still just a bar of soap. We may think we want to live in a mansion with hundreds of servants and luxury cars because TV tells us this is what everyone should aim for, but maybe you’re not a stress-loving person. Maybe you want a simple and quiet life tending your own herb garden in the country. Make sure that you really know what you want and you’re not just buying into a marketing fantasy.

The same goes for wearing what everyone else does because everyone else does so (they call it fashion…). Or wearing something completely different solely in order to be different. Neither of these are truly you. It’s your life. Wear what makes you feel happy. Some people will always dislike it while other people will. Be confident in your own decisions.

Many people don’t do what they like because of the old phrase “What would people say?” This is especially true for the older generation, who have a much more conservative outlook on life. Who cares what people will say, be it good or bad? So long as you’re not harming or offending anyone, live your life in a way that makes you feel happy.

Just remember, tomorrow truly is a new day… And no regrets…


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