It took a little over a year of being a hangaround/prospect but on Saturday night I was finally patched in as a full member of Tilters motorcycle club. It’s a bizarre feeling, something that goes through your head for a long time – and also the possibility that it will never happen.
There have been major ups and downs and the lifestyle is definitely not for everyone – especially those with family or relationship commitments – but it’s something you seriously can’t describe if you haven’t been through it. There’s nothing like it in the ‘outside’ world. You may have seen stuff on television but the reality is much different. So many friends and relatives made fun of it or said it wasn’t for me. Not one had any experience in the motorcycle club world and it’s amazing the many types of personality you meet within it. I’ve done so many new things and met many new people
I thank my club brothers for accepting me (and my wife for tolerating it all, to a point), and I hope we have many years of riding together ahead of us. Loyalty, honour and respect…
Looking at that patch on the back of my cut seriously brings a grin to my face and I think: Who’s your fucking Daddy? As with many things I’ve done in my life, I’m sure I’ll look back one day and think:
Here’s a little tune to listen to while you mull over the various life choices you’ve made – and can still make – and ask yourself if there’s anything you haven’t tried yet but would like to. Then just go for it. You never know until you’ve tried, and it’s better to regret what you have done than what you haven’t….
Hi Edward, congratulations I like the look. I hope you and your family are well…we’ve only 3 months until the Slovak migration…very exciting times.
Do you have an opinion on these interesting characters?
Thanks man. Those guys are a bit beyond my pay scale
Good luck with the move – just in time for Winter.