I’ve just completed two paintings that I’ve been wanting to try my hand at for a very long time – hide art. The paintings are done in acrylic on wild boar hide strung onto ash wood frames. The process of fetching the wood from the forest, carrying it home, debarking it, drying it, painting the […]
Tag Archive: handpainted fashion

I’ve now added Batik to my clothing line – dyed natural fabrics and textiles. It’s quite a fun process and there’s an element of surprise to how it turns out. Each item is utterly unique. You can check out the line here –Batik design clothing Keep coming back as I’ll be adding more and expanding […]

I’ve decided to diversify with my art. Rather than focus solely on painting on canvases, I’m exploring utilitarian artwork and, as such, am beginning my own fashion line. All items will be of the highest quality natural materials and fair trade, and each will be uniquely painted. This blouse is white cotton in a gi […]